Welcome to Your July Newsletter.

During the depth of winter, many dogs and cats will prefer to stay inside much like their owners, keeping close to the heat source. Only the frisky young animals want to go out and play, whereas seniors will avoid it as much as possible. While animals do need a bit of extra food over winter to boost them up, don’t overdo it or you will have a porky pet on your hands come spring. Try to keep them active inside with some indoor challenges. For a dog, one of those robotic balls that moves every which way except where expected can entertain them for ages. Cats can be tempted to chase a small ping pong ball, leap after feathers on a flicker pole or even attack your hand moving under a padded quilt! If you increase their food, increase their activity as well. When they are tired, treat them to a new, deeply padded bed to snuggle into.

Also in this months newsletter, we discuss;

  • HIP Displasia in Pets
  • New Rules When Selling or Giving Away Cats & Dogs
  • Plan a Playdate For Your Pet
  • Helping a Rescue Pet Settle Into Your Home
  • Alfie The Rabbit Case Study
  • Health Plans
  • Keeping Your Cat Warm In Winter
  • Plus so much more…

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