Pet Care 101:
A Manual for Happy and Healthy Companions
Our pet care booklet provides essential information and guidance to ensure the wellbeing and happiness of your beloved furry companion.
A Sensible Guide for a Happy and Healthy Pet
As a devoted and faithful companion for you and your family, your pet is going to bring a great deal of fun and happiness into your family’s life for many more years to come.
In return for all the love and affection that your pet gives you, it is your responsibility to look after him/her to the best of your ability. Your pet depends on your daily care and attention to remain healthy and happy.
I’ve developed this booklet to help you achieve these ends. This guide is not meant to be a definitive book or textbook telling you all you need to know about pet care. Rather, it is supposed to be a sensible guide, particularly valuable for the new or novice pet owner. I feel that this booklet will explain at least the rudimentary things that you need to know about owning a pet.
If you’d like more information, contact me at HIGHlands and I’ll point out more comprehensive books that will give you more detailed information on the topics that interest you.
Table of contents
1. Selecting a pet
2. Care of Puppies and Kittens
3. Owning a Dog is a Big Responsibility
4. Who’s The Boss
5. Eat and Run
6. Behaviour
7. Heartworm Disease in Dogs
8. Intestinal Worms
9. Fleas and Flea Control
10. Eye Care
11. Ear Care
12. Skin and Throat Care
13. Vaccinations
14. Dental Care for your Pet
15. Reproduction and Breeding in Dogs and Cats
16. Common Emergencies
17. Differential Diagnosis in Diseases
18. Common Diseases in Dogs and Cats
19. Taking Care of Your Pet After an Operation
20. Caring for your Aged Pet
21. Coping with the Loss of your Loved Pet
22. The Veterinarian and the Veterinary Clinic
The cost of the booklet is $19.99, which includes postage. Pay via PayPal:
Or, you can purchase the booklet at the clinic. I hope you find this information valuable, as it is my sincere wish to help you provide the best care and happiness for your cherished furry friend.