It’s been a while….

I hope that things are going really, really well for you and the entire family.

Welcome to your next installment of your What To do With My New Puppy’ video series.

Except, your pet is probably a bit too big and a bit too old to be called a ‘Puppy’ any longer.

There are a few milestones due around-about now; they include on-going ‘adolescent dog’ training, worming, desexing (if it hasn’t been done yet), and attention to your pet’s diet.

Today’s video is all about ‘What To Do With My 9 month-old Puppy’. Enjoy…

Remember; if, after watching the video, you need any more ‘in-depth’ information or if you have ANY questions at all – just holler. Ring, email, drop-in, contact us through Facebook or the website, and fire in with any questions you may have – we’re here for you.

We’ll catch up again in three months’ when your pet is 12 months of age – WOW – ONE YEAR of age. See you then.


Dr. Diederik Gelderman

P.S If you have any friends, family members, colleagues, or acquaintances with a new puppy and who you think would enjoy this ‘What To Do With My Puppy’ video series, please feel free to forward this video to them.